School closures in Oxfordshire due to COVID-19

A Primary School in Oxfordshire

School closures in Oxfordshire due to COVID-19

Here’s a list of reported school closures in Oxfordshire due to coronavirus (COVID-19).

Local cases and outbreaks of COVID-19 may result in staff and/or pupils needing to self-isolate. This may result in the school restricting on-site attendance temporarily for individual classes or bubbles or temporarily moving pupils back to remote learning.

All Oxfordshire schools have arrangements to contact parents and carers in case of closures - including the use of parent mailing systems, text, social media, and the school website.

Any school we are aware of currently affected by partial or complete temporary closure is listed below. We will endeavour to keep the information on this page updated to reflect Oxfordshire school closure information we receive from the County Council and individual schools.

The Oxford Academy, Oxford

Status: Part closed
From: Tuesday 23 November
To: Thursday 23 December
Detail: Years 7, 8 and 9 are closed and will be taught remotely.
Updated: Friday 26 November

Tell us about a school closure

We rely on schools telling us they are closed.

If a school you know has been closed due to COVID-19 and is not on the list, please use the form below to inform us; anonymously if you wish.

Fields marked with * are required

Please include as much detail as possible, including name of school, classes closed and dates closed.
You do not need to use your full name
Town or area is fine
Your contact detail is helpful so we can contact you for more information. It will not be shared or published.
Your contact detail is helpful so we can contact you for more information. It will not be shared or published.

The post School closures in Oxfordshire due to COVID-19 appeared first on The Oxford Magazine.

from The Oxford Magazine
